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The Art of Delegation

As managers juggle more & more responsibilities it’s imperative that they develop a strong delegation muscle.  Learn how to effectively delegate with confidence. Inspire your team members to reach their potential through meaningful delegation while freeing up your time. Discover how to use delegation best practices and clear communication to ensure success.

Your team will learn how to…

  • Understand the benefits of delegation
  • Implement best practices for delegating tasks
  • Identify to whom tasks should be delegated
  • Determine which tasks are best to delegate
  • Overcome barriers to delegation
  • Understand growth zones and how to identify them
  • Create an individualized plan to delegate tasks to their team members

What you will invest

Your investment range is determined by the following factors:

  • Workshop length
  • Number of participants
  • Travel distance
  • Individual coaching

Ideal Group Size

12-25 people

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