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Following Through

The human brain isn’t wired to instinctively follow through, and relying on willpower & determination aren’t always enough to get the job done. Discover techniques to bypass this human flaw and create greater opportunities to follow through on new habits you want to embrace, behaviors you want to exhibit, and goals you want to achieve.

Your team will learn how to…

  • Understand why the human brain isn’t hardwired to follow through
  • Identify poor follow through and understand why it matters
  • Understand the myth that perpetuates poor follow through
  • Recognize the real reason good intentions fizzle out
  • Create and implement their own unique follow through strategies
  • Adopt a follow through mindset to help achieve the most challenging goals

What you will invest

Your investment range is determined by the following factors:

  • Workshop length
  • Number of participants
  • Travel distance
  • Individual coaching

Ideal Group Size

12-25 people

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